Appleton Casual Headshots

Keir Dvorachek

My brother Keir has been helping me left and right at the studio. From building and hanging custom curtain rods, and installing shelving on concrete walls, to modeling for impromptu headshots so I can test lighting. He has been around for it all since the beginning of February. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without him these past few weeks as I get settled in this new space.

Asking for help isn’t always easy, but Keir never put up a fuss or made an excuse for not being available during this process of mine. He offered (and continues to do so), his skills and time in anyway he is able. I am a very lucky sister to have him around!

Today is his birthday, so I thought it might be fun to share his gallery of images from our most recent photography session in the studio. Happy Birthday Keir, hope your day is just as amazing as you are!

Appleton Casual Headshots

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