Just a Photographer

I received this email last week and asked to share because it made me teary with happiness.

Subject: A Plant in a Pandemic

Hi Caitlin,

I hope you and your loved ones are well…and figuring out your new normal during this unusual, uneasy time.

When Sarah was in your studio for her senior pictures, I commented on a darling plant that you had displayed.  You told me it was from your grandmother’s funeral & that you had it in your studio as a reminder of her; you then graciously cut off a small vine for me to take home and root.

Today when I went to water it I was reminded of that story & equally surprised by how suddenly proliferate the plant has become! She is growing sooo well! I knew that I needed to show you.

It was an awesome reminder of the goodness & positive growth in this world even in tough times. God shows us He is still making things new everyday & your grandma & this plant played a part in delivering that message…

Just a Photographer

More Than ‘Just’

For the longest time, when asked what I do, I would say something along the lines of ‘just a photographer’. But in reality, I am much more than that. I know that, the person I’m speaking to most likely knows that. And most importantly, I think my clients feel that working with me is more than just having their photo taken.

Client experience has become as big a passion for me as creating the best images I possibly can, for reasons like this little plant that is spreading happiness long after I forgot about gifting it away. We are all here, working for ourselves, so that we can help each other. I really believe that.

Our jobs here on earth are not the ones that put a dollar in our bank account. Our ‘jobs’ are the ones that spread happiness and create love. So let me ask you, have you experienced a photography session that spurred happiness in your heart for months and possibly years after it was finished? Maybe not because of a houseplant, or even the prints you walked away with, but because of the joy that was created along the way.