Spending with Wisdom

For six years now I have been able to live a dream and that would never be possible without clients who choose me as their photographer. There have been many times in the beginning when I wasn’t sure where my next rent payment would come from for CCS. There have been just as many times when a booking would come in just in the nik of time. The income I make as a photographer is never assumed or taken for granted, and I am humbled and grateful to live in a community that supports small businesses.

When you choose to be aware of who you’re giving your money to, you are supporting more than a single establishment. You’re choosing to support the business, the employees and the owners. But more importantly, you’re supporting who they invest with as well. You’re spending with wisdom!

Think about that for a moment. Your dollar makes this community and our immediate economy function.

That is why I feel it is so important for my personal choices to reflect that. I buy in my local economy as often as possible, choosing Amazon and the like as second options. My food is sourced with ethics and sustainability in mind as well as the families who produce it. I also buy art and support other luxury businesses on a regular basis as I can.

It is important to me that Caitlin Claire Studio operates with similar thought in mind. The studio works with and buys from family owned printers, insurance providers, CPA’s, art shops, seamstresses, bakeries, and more, directly in our community. Why wouldn’t I choose them first when I’m asking clients to choose me with a similar mindset?

So remember, regardless of any current fad or social situation, your spending money is valuable no matter your budget. Don’t be afraid to do a little research and buy with wisdom. As a community business, I appreciate you doing so!
Appleton Small Business